New Search Tool Available

We have a new search tool on the front page that allows all products from all categories to be queried with all of its properties.


We endeavor to simplify the searching process for all users; instead of narrowing down to the desired products through categories and filters.
This new search tool eases up the searching experience by providing a list of relatable results based on users’ input.


Users may find a new search tool in the middle of the Singatron USA Home Page, or in the top right corner of Product Page.

New Search Tool in the Home Page


DEMO: Researching Part Number 2UB1734-C00111F

  • If a user searches by complete part number, “2UB1734-C00111F”, then the new search tool will return with the exact product.
Search by Whole P/N
  • If a user searches by incomplete part number, “1734”, the results can be relatively varied. In this case, there are going to be results
    coming from category USB Type-C, Modular Jack II, Board to board, and others (refers to this article as we’re using the part number
    for demo). The new search tool is designed to not only catch part numbers that are relevant to the user input, but it’s also keyword
    driven; more in depth detail is going to be illustrated in the next bullet point.
Search by Part of P/N
  • If a user searches by keyword, “mid-mount”, the new search tool will return every single mid-mount connector from all categories in
    descending order.
Search by Keyword: ‘mid-mount’

Happy browsing! 🙂